Active tectonics, paleoseismology and landscape evolution in Crete, Greece

The island of Crete occupies a forearc high above the Hellenic Subduction Zone and is characterized by rapid and sustained uplift and extension. No active contractional faults are observed on the island today.

Our working hypothesis is that rapid uplift of the island is driven by crustal thickening at depth, while extension occurs in the upper crust. The aim of this project is to document the rates of uplift, erosion, and extension on Crete by surveying and dating marine and river terraces, determining basin average erosion rates using cosmogenic radionuclides, and documenting slip rates on active faults.


Prof. Dr. Sean Willett
Full Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences
  • NO E 33
  • +41 44 632 69 51
  • vCard Download

Geologisches Institut
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich

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